Fierce Global Foundation

Fierce Global Foundation manages multiple global social media platforms known as the Bytevid Ecosystem for a much safer social experience

About Us

The Fierce Global Foundation is an international non-profit organization that aims to promote free STEM education to underprivileged children and young adults across the globe. As a data advocate, the foundation strongly believes in data protection and seeks to create a social ecosystem that fosters innovation, growth, and development.

STEM education is essential in today's world as it equips individuals with critical analytical and problem-solving skills that are vital for success in almost every industry. However, this education is not equally accessible with large segments of the population missing out due to poverty, social disadvantages, and other factors.

The Fierce Global Foundation is stepping up to address this imbalance. They provide free STEM education to communities where access to such programs is limited. Their initiatives cover a wide range of STEM activities including robotics, coding, artificial intelligence, and more.

The foundation seeks to achieve its mission through partnerships and collaborations with other institutions, organizations, and individuals. They recognize that they cannot achieve their goals alone, and as such, they are committed to building meaningful and strategic collaborations with stakeholders in different regions of the world.

Data protection is a critical element for any organization, especially one that deals with large amounts of personal data. As a data advocate, the Fierce Global Foundation is careful to safeguard the privacy of its students, staff, and other stakeholders. They have implemented robust data protection procedures and policies to ensure that all information collected is kept safe and secure.

The social ecosystem created by the foundation embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. They believe that every individual should be given equal opportunities to learn and grow, and their programs are designed with this philosophy in mind. The foundation is committed to fostering an environment where students can develop skills, confidence, and creativity that will enable them to thrive in the future.

Fierce Global Foundation is an organization that understands the importance of providing free STEM education to underserved communities. Through partnerships, data protection, and a social ecosystem that fosters innovation, they are empowering the next generation of leaders and innovators. Their work is a testament to the impact that can be made when organizations prioritize equity and inclusion.

What We Do

The Fierce Global Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to promote free STEM education to underprivileged children and young adults across the globe.
As a data advocate, the foundation strongly believes in data protection and seeks to create a social ecosystem that fosters innovation, growth, and development.

STEM Education
Social Ecosystem

Our Progress

By achieving its goals and making a positive impact on the lives of individuals in need, the Fierce Global Foundation can measure progress and continue to grow as a non-profit organization.


Fierce EDU

Data Advocacy

Bytevid Ecosystem

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